For Participants


Get to know your fellow participants

There are 879 people participating in SOMMA age 70 and older. 59% of participants are women.

There are 83 people participating in SOMMA Jr between ages 30 and 69 years. 51% of participants are women.

Read about Recent Results

Researchers are preparing publications and presenting results at key scientific conferences. SOMMA provides opportunities for scientific advancement in both the understanding of aging and the novel use of methods to assess aging-related outcomes, such as cognitive and physical function. This data is meant to show the path towards developing new approaches for preserving walking ability as long as possible.

Scientists present an overview of SOMMA during a conference symposium in November 2022.

Reminders and Newsletters

It is important to answer your phone contacts to help us understand what has changed since your last visit.

We are grateful for your continued commitment to this important research study. Together we can learn more about how muscles change with aging now and in the future.

Download the newsletter for your clinical site here: Pittsburgh and Wake Forest.